This video is from YouTube channel Classics Explained
Chamber music refers to a type of classical music for a small group of musicians.
Traditionally, chamber musicians performed in a palace in a large formal room, also called a chamber room, for a small group of guests.
Kings and queens hired professional chamber musicians to perform in a palace, and later on, many ordinary people started to play chamber music with their families and friends in their homes.
Can you imagine your life without video games, tablets, computers, or even a TV? Does it sound boring?
Nope. In the 17th and 18th centuries, they had so much fun playing CHAMBER MUSIC together!
What makes chamber music fun? Imagine that each instrument’s sound has a unique color. It’s called “timbre” (rhymes with “amber”). When you play chamber music, your instrument’s sound blends with the “colors” from the other players. How cool is that?