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Fischoff SAM I Am - Kenari 2023

My Very Favorite Activities

Click on a book below to download fun companion activities for your students related to My Very Favorite Book in the Whole Wide World.


Listen to some of the songs the Kenari Quartet plays as part of their Stories and Music program

Read Aloud, Think Aloud

Questions to help guide connections before, during, and after a read aloud session

Compare & Contrast

Venn diagram comparing Henley before and after the assignment

Active Listening & Story Making

Listen to music, write what it makes you think of, and then draw your story! 

Be an Author

Read a short biography of author Malcolm Mitchell and then try your hand at writing your own story.  

Be an Illustrator

Read a short biography of Michael Robertson and then try your hand at drawing your own book cover.

Be a Mathmatician

Grab your clipboard, track those tallies and let’s collect some data! What type of book is your class’ very favorite book in the whole wide world?

Figurative Language: What Does That Mean? 

A drawing exercise to understand Mitchell’s colorful use of figurative language

Reading Interests

Find your new favorite book in the whole wide world! Fill this form out and bring it to your librarian so they can find you your next great read. 

Interview with Author Malcolm Mitchell 

Meet the author Malcolm, hear a little bit about him and the origins of this book.

Retelling Activity

What happened to Henley  First, Next, Then & Last

Match the Saxophone to the Musician

Can you match the members of Kenari to their correct saxophone?

Word Search - Beginner

Find some of the great words used in My Very Favorite Book in the Whole Wide World

Word Search-Intermediate

Find some of the great words used in My Very Favorite Book in the Whole Wide World

Word Search - Advanced

Find some of the great words used in My Very Favorite Book in the Whole Wide World

Special thanks to Lindsey Walters (Elkhart Community Schools), Lara Ungethum (South Bend Community School Corporation) and Haylee Lau (St. Joseph County Public Library) for their contributions to these activities.